", "Ahh then congratulations. -Rey Some of their military protocol was coming from the U.S. Marines while their structure was naval with some American Army influences too. She thought about the possibility of their being married and bonding. He gestured forward one of his aides and repeated the requirements then sent her off to talk them over with Hank. She boards the USS Enterprise as McCoy's assistant, an meets Pavel Chekov, a Cadet around the same age as her. Within were all kinds of armor she had never seen before. ", Harry took a sip of the drink. Don't be afraid to ask for one! When they touched, her high psi skills and his own mind-reading skills allowed them a type of communal mind in private moments. Depressed Reader Depressed Male Male Reader Male Oc Suicidal Abused Bullied. Episodes from the popular TV series, many of which have been selected by fans themselves, have been adapted into short stories she asked breathlessly. "Harry says hello." Her mother had informed her she had felt her father's near death when he had been on a colony world when they were still less than a year married. Wizards and Witches were walking around and a few nodded to her. "Klingon Defense Force Armour with sash of the House of Vultan," she read aloud. You keep to yourself. He made a mental note to suggest renaming their Planet to Ignotus and potentially rename Alpha III to Cadmus. And a gift for you, for your friendship and help these past few years.". Yandere McCoy x Spock's Twin Brother Reader, Jurassic World - Owen Grady X Male Reader. Four mages injured, one dead. When he touched his to hers, he felt her emotional state—while she looked as serene as ever—was embroiled. On the edge of the galaxy was a Planetary system where lived a group of descend of jedi and sith from time of the old republic.A man in his twentieth named Okami came from this system and join the war as a 3rd side of the war combining advanced droi. Partial fic I found about another human form replicator SI insert. Commodore Cantor shut off his workstation. Movies: Star Trek: 2009 fanfiction archive with over 14,309 stories. The story was immensely popular, especially when Harry reenacted a scene with a Klingon's help, driving a training blade into the warrior's stomach and showing how he had cut the man he fought stem to stern then explained how he had used the man's own entrails to choke him to death in his anger, the man's heart taken as a trophy added to the story for the Klingon aesthetic. Conscription is the drafting of all able bodied mages capable of serving.' 2d 143 (D.D.C. Chamoline R. Kirk, younger sister of James T. Kirk, joins the Starfleet academy with him as a Medicinal Understudy to Leonard McCoy. He'd put together a good team to evaluate and build once an artistic architect designed it from Hank's specs. she asked. Aurors began circulating and passing out books that detailed what they would go through. "Admiral, Commodore Harry's receiving a message from his ship. I was right about the Vulcans. They all worked so carefully that every torpedo was to specifications that even Starfleet couldn't maintain in a production line. The Klingon who had escorted them in stepped forward. "You look like you had a rough night. "Good morning Captain Harry of the House of Vultan. History. I go to his quarters to tell him, and I find something... positively fascinating. Two personal assistants, and a personal guard. She kissed him again then worked her way down his body, dropping light kisses and nibbles as she went. ", The Vulcan placed a manual on the desk. ", She nodded and turned to look at the owner of the ship hanging from his feet behind her. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. +8 more. There was more laughter from adults then one, a healer, asked, "How much of that gene tweaking thing did it take? Kinda sad nobody recced Catalyst.exe yet. The engines were what he wanted to see. This is a Star Trek Voyager fanfiction. She saw rope and began looping it around him then saw a winch in the shuttle's bridge/cargo area. The fates hold a prophecy over her death that means the end of everything if she isn't careful and mons. "Think you need angry sex?" Higher levels provide greater detail and accuracy." -x-x-x. ", "Ah. scotty. There she used the portkey room to return to the castle and went to take her personal conveyance to what had become known as Little Vulcan. You are the princess of the Human kingdom, and to help improve relations, have been betrothed to Prince Spock of the Vulcan kingdom who you have never met. The Collective destroyed those races. K, German, Romance, chapters: 13, words: 18k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: Feb 28 published . She opened an eye. Our world?". Second part to first Reader Add In. Amy wrote a Little House on the Prairie fanfic about a young woman called Amelia in the 1800's and her Time-Travel Romance with a physicist from the future called Cooper. Harry sighed. "I felt a biological change taking place and went to see a Vulcan Healer. - - - Shortly after USS Voyager is stranded in the Delta Quadrant. She pulled on her jacket and left the holodeck. T'ryl stood and pulled her robes back into place. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Seven of Nine - Words: 1,612 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 8 - Published: 1/24/2012 - id: 7771170 + . The shot from my left hand thumper took him center mass, pulping his chest cavity and sending him back 2 feet. ", "I wanted to buy one before but i doubted I could. A child with special abilities (Marvel x child OC) June 4, 2018 BlossomGreen09 . Origin. Movies » Star Wars Rated: T, English, Adventure, OC, Words: 419k+, Favs: 9k+, Follows: 11k+, Published: 5/22/2018 Updated: 8/27} 4,019 Chapter 1: Intro This is just a proof of concept I'm considering to do to get me back into writing again after a long time away. "I thought I got into a real fight instead of a demonstrative one. I started a female version if that helps you any, but I don't actually know of any other published Star Trek dollmakers. "Well thank you, then, because that story is incredible. +8 more. All of Esama's work can either be find on Archive of Our Own or in some archive we have here on the forum; Minion posted a link of it in one of her story thread I believe. Outside Campbell's office, he left Cirillia in a seat with firm orders not to run off then went in. The educational requirements of the schools have shifted. ", Riker nodded. "How different is a human from a Vulcan?" "It's gotta be rough, finding out you're essentially a clone and the woman you wanted to marry is married to Riker-prime. "Ooh, this is cute too! "Acts like Harry's some sort of god for dating a Vulcan woman. He lifted one of the flank slats, revealing a port with a dozen different I/O slots. ", "Huh. Looking forward to seeing how hot you get. It was going at warp 4.95 while he was maxing the runabout at warp 5.01. Sarinja laughed. Cirillia had escaped the boring grownup talk and was wandering around the castle. . Harry didn't realize he had seen the same man a dozen times now as he nodded off in the back seat as the ship went up to exit the atmosphere to use its faster engines. Her snort of laughter was quickly silenced as she regained control but the flicker of the smile on her lips remained until she kissed him. ", "I can't vent to Deanna. Harry awoke to find T'ryl still asleep. You can operate in one of these bad boys for a month without having to crack it open or resupply. Chamoline R. Kirk, younger sister of James T. Kirk, joins the Starfleet academy with him as a Medicinal Understudy to Leonard McCoy. And, well, you can guess what happens next. "He's joking," Harry said. Her other eye opened. Then he saw Harry's expression. Unlike Starfleet uniforms, it stretched well, was a two piece that looked like three, and the cut made his butt look even better than he had, he thought, checking the lay of his jacket in the mirror. The arms retracted as he looked back and he saw during the time he had been distracted the parquet insert of the name and registry numbers had been done IHF Sapir MSC-0001. . Found insideAn original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: Voyager, from the New York Times bestselling author! he asked hopefully. Dessel'b had adopted him as a son. We'll reroute to the nearest starbase to drop off our prisoner and our other patients then we'll get back to heading to the Expanse. He held up the envelope. When she graduates top of her class she is assigned to the U.S.S. ", "Excellent, I have literature for you based on previous human-vulcan pregnancies. ", "Yeah, I'm Harry X. Bev told me about it.". The Squib Wand—or Sqwand—was shaped like the ergonomics of a hand phaser so his aiming was good and he rather liked the device, especially since it acted as a Portkey that could get him to half a dozen places by activating the commands verbally. Harry picked up his MADD and called up the book the Horse Whisperer and handed it over. ", Cirillia hesitated then asked, "Umm, I'll still be princess, right? "Heave to and prepare to be boarded," he growled, not realizing just how he sounded at that moment. Toxic Gamer of Remnant (Discontinued) by ChosenRedead reviews. 12 min read. Lieutenant Morgan | Star Trek: Theurgy Auctor-Lucan 16 0 Crewman Tommy Lupo carternova 11 5 Star Trek: Tereshkova - Ensign Jared Dennis jonbromle1 12 0 Warm-up: Vulcan Forge NumenSkog 26 2 Chief Petty Officer Skinar SeekHim 18 3 Crewman Ki Tlio SeekHim 11 0 Crewman Ferien SeekHim 16 . starshiptroopers godzilla sciencefiction action. he asked hopefully. 17 Stories. "Magic is as magic does," another adult said and Harry muttered something about making sure Forrest Gump was gone forever. They walked through the ship, Hank and the other designers pointing out interesting bits. They were alone. ", "Well she's trained to track, protect, hunt, and dig for truffles. ", "We'll watch the movies when you're home for Winter Break. while Deanna smiled. The war against Gaea gears up, and Clara Castellan is stuck in the middle of it - with more to lose than ever. ", "For their emotional outbursts to help trigger magic? A/N: This is my first Star Trek Fanfiction! Harry raised an eyebrow then realized that was supposed to be humorous. The character is a self aware Beast ship in Homeworld Cataclysm. Found insideIn all of his travels Captain Jean-Luc Picard has never faced an opponent more powerful that Q, a being from another continuum that Picard encountered on his very first mission as Captain of the Starship Enterprise™. The Alcyone itself would be drydocked permanently on the the planet as a new ship was created for him, a larger yacht, based on a horseshoe shape, designed to comfortably carry a hundred passengers with a number of magically hidden smuggling panels. They had just finished the first of their ships based on the defiant class design. "I have a complaint to make. After closing the Hellmouth, Buffy moves to Europe to help rebuild the forces of good, but she doesn't have much time before evil strikes again, especially now that she has to deal with the Queen of the Slayers as well. "More evidence of magic finding a way would be helpful.". ", He ran his fingers along her cheek. No matter how apt the name was. "Did you just sa—have I been adopted? 14.5K 337 20. "Wait, you were demo—oh, you must be Tom, then? Could the Imperial Aurors start using our armour now? The very short story was written by Paula Smith in 1973 for Menagerie, a Star Trek fanzine for which she was an editor.In a 2011 interview, Smith explained that, as an editor who read a significant amount of Star Trek fanfiction (written by women, in particular), she noticed a pattern of recurring adolescent female characters who were the youngest ever in their Starfleet position, irresistibly . Personal Info - Just in case anyone wants to know. Instead of the vaguely cross shaped hull, theirs were heptagonal hulls designed to link up so that a squadron of the ships was a spiral design. "The votes are in.". Maybe he can help you..... Spock x Reader || You are a new ensign on-board the U.S.S Enterprise. "I do. She took his hand and chattered on as they returned to the party. A collection of stories either starring Cadet Gaila or featuring her as an important secondary character. # 5. "He retired from Starfleet," she replied. "What was that quote about the annoying priest? Follow/Fav Star Trek Voyager: . "The officers quarters are three by four meters as specified and cannot be magically expanded," Kelar confirmed. "Why don't you join the dictionary program? T'ryl nodded as the aides cleared the room after putting up illusions that covered the walls, hiding the murals of magicals doing great things through the centuries. ", "Speaking of emotions, you do realize our children have to be raised as humans, right? Here are the male OC characters submitted to this Group. "I wished to see how you would act in a certain situation to better shape the character. I'm sure I'll add more as I read.". But will he be able to? Their nuclear option, though, left Harry with no escape. "I may have a potentially more interesting position.". He had been purchasing holodeck routines for the Spacedock and had perused the adult ones out of curiousity and found them to be very expensive. Harry asked after a few more minutes of very formal talking. Qoral, a younger Klingon actually attempted to do his first duty by reaching for his communicator instead of his rifle. "We'll have to survey the moon to verify there isn't anything classified first but the first evac of it should have taken anything worth taking in the first place," he said, making a note on another PADD. The best written ones just make you believe it isn't."-Sir lucifer morning star. ", Picard nodded and Riker tapped his comm badge. She says that there're a bunch of Klingons with stuff to load aboard. ", "Sadly, they belong to an order that eschews contact with the outside world," Harry only half-lied. And you don't even need to take it off to resupply." With a personal score to settle, Capt. An hour plus of demonstrations and some questions back and forth, Riker accepted the invitation to tour Potter's Rock. He did say something before ten minutes passed. He figured it likely. "Beautiful workmanship. ", "It's not logic, it's me reveling in my sexual potency. "A small unit that maintain a watch," he told her as she pointed at the battleth. ", "I'm already the Fleet Admiral," Harry said. The Imperial March begins with our Emperor's latest edict. Underage. 1-A, 1-B, the pros, Inko, Hisashi, Eri, Kota and the big three are transported to a vast empty space. "But I brought three new operas. The Fanficmaker is written and coded by Thomas Wrobel and Bertine van Hövell. Found insideA work of captivation and correction, this is a book that will resonate with anyone concerned with identity, shame, gender, trauma, composition and culture: everyone, in other words, who wishes to live openly and think fearlessly in the ... He opened an access panel and saw the magical version of a power conduit, an unbreakable glass tube filled with blue fire. He squeezed her hips. It was intimate and something she would miss when their relationship ended. On the promenade, she stopped to watch a pair of Andorians juggling knives back and forth in tight arcs then she continued on to the command deck. Or as a precursor to actual sex. No, he thought as he stood. "Well, it seems that with a ninety percent vote, the winning fleet name is 'The Hallowed Fleet.' Like to Captain or Admiral it back someday. `` the water for least! A triad bonding happened once a Generation dear friend of the people be formed a copy of Emperor... You sourcing all the interlocks and the veranda arms that place molecules exactly just finished the first action-packed... Average a triad bonding happened once a Generation yeah, augment strength was op enough for me to attend appointment. 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